Gym Bag Essentials for Beginners

First of all, a big congratulations to you.

Why? It’s not easy starting your fitness journey.

Going to the gym as a beginner can be challenging - even more so when you’ve never been.

So realise that you’re fantastic for taking the step, and don’t let anyone else tell you differently.

This article, ‘Gym bag essentials for beginners’, will give you that extra bit of help on your fitness journey - going over a few bits n bobs you’d do well to have in your gym bag.

It’s not anything mind-blowing - see it as your personal reminder.

Each point has a reason why you’d do well to include it.

You’d also do well to pair it with my podcast episode, ‘How to approach your fitness journey from square 1’.

Anyway, let’s get stuck in.



“Why would I need a logbook, Leo?”

You’ll need a logbook so that you can track your workouts. This can be preferable over using your phone because then you won’t have social media potentially distract you at just a single click away.

It's not that you ‘have’ to use a logbook, but it could be an excellent tool to consider.

Fewer distractions = more intensity = more improvements.

However, if you prefer using your phone and can’t see yourself using a pen and notepad at the gym, feel free to continue.

I think there’s nothing better than some classic pen and paper.

“But I don’t track my workouts anyway, Leo.”

Hearing this is always mind-blowing.

Put it this way - if you’re not logging, how can you guarantee progression in your workouts?

You can’t. Nor can you solely rely on memory.

It is impossible to remember every single weight you used, every set, every specific number of reps, and every exercise you did over the past few weeks.

If you're doing all that, you’re guessing, and if you’re guessing, you’re missing out on progress.

Logging also allows you to monitor progression, ensure progressive overload, and see which exercises aren’t progressing so you can swap them out.

So, stop guessing and start tracking reliable data.


If you don’t know what progressive overload is, then watch this video I made you by clicking here.


Shaker Cup

Bringing a shaker cup in your gym bag may help you drink adequate water during your workout.

I’ve also noticed from my experience coaching people at Kairos Online that you’ll be surprised how much you may neglect your water intake now - and your water intake is super important.

Having a bottle of water in your presence during your workout will naturally lead you to drink more.

A shaker cup also helps with the convenience of getting some post-workout protein in via a protein shake if you bring some.

More water and more protein due to the mere presence of a shaker cup? It sounds like a win/win, especially if you’re a beginner looking to make ‘smaller’ positive changes in your routine.



If you can train without music, you’re probably training to avenge someone’s death. How anyone can train in silence is beyond me.

The only time I’ve trained in silence is when I’ve had no choice, e.g. the battery in my earphones finished. So if you’re training in silence due to choice, I’m probably both a mix of impressed and worried.

Joking, by the way… kinda.

On a serious note, download some of your favourite playlists before getting to the gym; studies show that listening to music during your workouts could lead to you pushing yourself more. This is only a good thing.


Appropriate Footwear

The appropriate footwear is critical to your progression to getting stronger over the long term - regardless of whether you’re a beginner or more advanced.

You may be surprised by this - but doing resistance training in running shoes isn’t a good idea.

Let me explain.

Running shoes are, of course, great for running - and other forms of cardio. Although due to the cushion at the sole, performing exercises that require stability, e.g. deadlifts, rows, and overhead presses (all exercises you do whilst standing up), become more challenging due to the instability from the sole.

A popular analogy in weightlifting is that ‘you wouldn’t fire a cannon from a canoe’. Meaning you’d struggle to put power behind something that isn’t done on a stable surface.

Want something more stable? Then opt for footwear with flat soles, such as Vans, Converse or Rebook CrossFit - as long as it fits in your gym bag, you’re good!


A Protein and Carbohydrate Source

Not that the ‘post workout window’ where you have to eat within an hour is real (I used to swear by this), but having protein and carbohydrate sources readily available after finishing your workout can be convenient. Especially if you get an appetite after your workouts like myself.

Something sugary around workout times could be a great shout, with favourite go-to’s consisting of chocolate milk, a banana and/or a protein bar.

Alternatively, if you have somewhere you can buy food by your gym and don’t want to carry food in your gym bag, perhaps it’d be best to wait it out and go there instead. Depends on you.


Honourable Mentions

Barbell Clips and Handles

There’s nothing worse than wanting to use the cable machines to do a pec fly, then getting to the machine and realising you can only see the one-handle attachment and the other is missing on the opposite side of the gym.

You then need to take a few minutes out of your workout to search for the second one - which you eventually find - although once you return, the cable machine is now in use. 

Five minutes wasted, just like that.

Happens too many times. 

My suggestion? Get your own gym handles. They’re reasonably cheap and will last you for years. More hygienic too.

The same goes for barbell clips.


Resistance Bands

Resistance bands can be a great addition when working out as a beginner, especially during warm-ups. Although judging from my experience, most gyms don’t have any - meaning you’d do well to bring your own.

Some great warm-up exercises I like to use resistance bands for are the banded pull-apart, banded hip clams, and the banded glute bridges - to name a few.

So, there you have it.

Not too long, not too short.

Just a few suggestions for you about ‘Gym bag essentials for beginners’.

Let me know if there’s anything you’d add to the list by sending me a message on Twitter @leoalvespt

In the meantime, grab your free ‘full body workout plan’ to help with your workout progression.

Speak soon,

P.S. Please share this article with your friends and family. Word of mouth helps massively with the growth of a small business.


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